Tag Archives: Scorpion Mezcal

Where to Buy Mezcal Online

Some top Mezcal distributors that you can purchase Mezcal from online.  This list is a work in progress and will eventually have more details about the Brands and their products that they carry. 20 Mezcal Vendors NOT listed in order of preference. www.mercadodemezcal.com a true Mercado for Mezcal. Over 70 Brands from many Producers. winedelight.com […]

Caution: It's said 'for everything there is Mezcal' but we add 'except for one thing' - getting drunk. Please drink responsibly. The most accurate and dependable book on living life at its fullest says 'wine (or Mezcal) makes the heart rejoice' and 'makes life enjoyable' (Ps 104:15; Ec 10:19) but overindulgence can certainly lead to harm (Pr 23:29-31)! If you drink at all please drink in moderation! (Quotes from NWT)