New Category in NOM 70 for Ancestral Mezcal

Many feel NOM 70 achieves most of the goals that the mezcal world, from small palenqueros to global consumers, have articulated over the past three years. Many feel NOM 199

Here are some excellent articles about the popular NOM 70 and the seemingly not so popular NOM 199

Here is a the President of the CRM (Consejo Regulador Mezcal, the new name for COMERCAM) letter introducing NOM 70.  Here is the full text of the NOM 70 proposal in English harvested off of the Mezcalistas website.

and here is the website Experience Mezcal's take on what they call 'The Latest Affront to Traditional Mezcal: NOM 199 and why they fell that way.

More will be posted as more becomes available on these very important Mezcal production rules and regulations

Caution: It's said 'for everything there is Mezcal' but we add 'except for one thing' - getting drunk. Please drink responsibly. The most accurate and dependable book on living life at its fullest says 'wine (or Mezcal) makes the heart rejoice' and 'makes life enjoyable' (Ps 104:15; Ec 10:19) but overindulgence can certainly lead to harm (Pr 23:29-31)! If you drink at all please drink in moderation.